Google Analytics add-on

Google Analytics Premium Add-on Gets Launched by Fastbase and Displays all Website Visitors and Interactions

  • Fastbase is introducing a new premium feature called Lead Score. Lead Score focuses on visitor interactions, time spent on webpages, specific webpage visits, and return visitors. The information collected by Lead Score will provide businesses with the behavior of their web visitors and potential leads. The premium subscription will be paid per website at an estimated $49.00USD/month. Read more

  • Nyt ­IT-program kan afsløre detaljer om dine kunder

    Onsdag d. 28. september 2016

    Nyt add-on til Google Analytics skal hjælpe virksomheder med at lære at kende deres kunder og potentielle kunders adfærd – og ikke mindst identitet. Hvor meget er det værd at vide, hvem der besøger ens hjemmeside? Svaret er: meget, for der er tale om potentielle kunder. Læg dertil, at hvis du ved, hvem der besøger din hjemmeside, ved du også, hvem der er interesseret i dine produkter og sevices. Read more

  • New Google Analytics Add-On From Fastbase Displays Which Companies Are Visiting Your Website

    NEW YORK, NY--(Marketwired - July 14, 2016) - New add-on for Google Analytics provides new detailed information about more than 180 million companies and the people behind. The new add-on gives you free access to detailed information about the companies that visit your website. Read more