1 | | Seftigenstrasse 23 | Bern | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | Primary Poststr. 7 | Oberarth | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Renato Wydler | Entrepreneur and Managing Partner S. Fassbind AG & Best Taste Trading Ltd. |
3 | | Primary Chemin des Cruz 1 Case postale 1128 | Rolle | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Sylvain Patriarca | Sales Manager chez Charles Rolaz, HAMMEL - Terres de Vins |
4 | | Salgesch, Valais, CH | Salgesch | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Mike Kanzso | Winzer bei Cave du Rhodan Mounir Weine AG, Salgesch |
5 | | Primary Chemin de Grange-Canal 24 | Geneva | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Mathilde Roux | Oenologue-Master Vigne et Vin |
6 | | Primary Pfingstweidstrasse 6 | Zurich | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
7 | | Primary Baarerstrasse 53 | Zug | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Deborah Paolini | Marketing junior presso N.O.R.A Services AG |
8 | | Primary 68A St. Alban-Vorstadt | Basel | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
9 | | Primary Avenue des Alpes 77 | La Tour-de-Peilz | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Roxane Rubin | Fondatrice de Wine Select Rubin Sàrl // Responsable finances et gérante d'immeubles chez R-éal Suisse SA |
10 | | Primary Seestrasse 199 | Wädenswil | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11 | | Chemin de la Morgette 2 | Morges | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Mélanie Bogalho | Wine Tourism, Events & Marketing |
12 | | Fortifications 29 | Villeneuve | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Christine Bertholet | Secrétaire-comptable, gestion du site internet, marketing chez Domaine et Cave Christophe Bertholet |
13 | | Primary Route de Soral 99 | Lully/Bernex | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Dominique Maigre | Propriétaire Domaine des Bonnettes, Lully GE |
14 | | Primary Bahnhofstrasse 21 | Zug | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
15 | | Selmattenstrasse 30 | Hallau | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Michael Regli | Geschäftsführer bei Regli Weine GmbH Hallau und St. Gallen |
16 | | Primary Chemin de Luins 2 | Begnins | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Raphael Sordet | Associé chez Domaine des Combes |
17 | | Primary Zeltweg 6 | Zürich | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Claudio Denz | Head of Digital Lalique Group | CEO / Owner Ermitage Estate AG | Chairman Denz Weine | CEO / Co-Owner Madox |
18 | | Primary Seebahnstrasse | Zurich | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | N/A | N/A |
19 | | Primary Stettbrunnenweg 55 | N/A | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Bernhard Furler | Inhaber bei Paphos-Weine GmbH |
20 | | Primary Industriestrasse 31 | Dietlikon | CH | | Wine and Spirits | N/A | Brendan A. Sherrard | Area Sales Manager at Dettling & Marmot AG |