1 | | Primary Avenue Claude Nobs | Montreux | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Elena Zarkanela MBA | N/A |
2 | | Primary Ch. Du Coteau 21 | Aclens | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Lorenzo Wiskerke | Founder and owner at ROYAL FISH, ROYAL BLOOM and THE FISH CLUB |
3 | | Primary Emmenhofstrasse 10 | Derendingen | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
4 | | Primary Efringerstrasse 10 | Basel | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
5 | | C/O Equey & Associes. Rue du Tir-au-Canon 4 | Carouge | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Douglas Banda | Owner, CEO & Founder DB Company SARL |
6 | | Primary Route de Trélex 31 | Genolier | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Alfio Schilirò | Directeur chez,eioss.ch - Export-Import-Office-Suisse-Solution |
7 | | Primary 86, Rue du Rhône | GENEVA | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
8 | | Primary ZI Trési 9, 1028 Préverenges | Préverenges | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Marcy Fluckiger | CEO & OWNER STANDARD FORMULA INC. |
9 | | Primary Katzenbachstrasse | Zürich | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Oliver Wagner | Founder & CEO at FIDEM Trade & Invest |
10 | | Primary Z.A. La Pièce 1 – Bâtiment A5 | Rolle | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
11 | | Primary Rue de Lausanne | Morges | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
12 | | Primary | Vétroz | CH | | Import/Export & Wholesale | N/A | Marc B. | Import/export, wholesale and retail network specialist |
13 | | Primary Bd de Pérolles 25 | Fribourg | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | | Primary Friporte 2 | Lutry | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Kilian Duggan | Conseiller municipal à la Commune de Lutry |
15 | | Primary Baarermattstrasse 8a | Baar | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
16 | | Primary Rue Albert-Gos 10 | Geneva | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | Klaus Voldmester | Quadra Commodities SA, Geneva |
17 | | Primary | Lausanne | CH | | Swissness Export | N/A | Sandra Henny | Digital Marketing Specialist | Content & Social Media Strategist |
18 | | Emmentalstrasse 167 | Ramsei | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |
19 | | Primary Chemin des Serres 11 | Ependes | CH | | Export, Recuperation, Gardiennage | N/A | Damien Giroud | Responsable informatique chez Bel-Gom & Fils Sàrl |
20 | | Primary Rue du Rhône 114 | Genève | CH | | Import and Export | N/A | N/A | N/A |