1 | | Primary 4 Stationi Road | Manurewa | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | Monique Francois | Postgraduate Public Health Student at the University of Auckland |
2 | | Primary | Auckland | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | Zachary Wong | BCom/BSc Student at the University of Auckland |
3 | | Primary 950 Ferry Road Unit 6 | Christchurch | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | N/A | N/A |
4 | | Primary 107 Lane Rd | Havelock North | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | N/A | N/A |
5 | | Primary 101 Bank Street | Te Awamutu | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | Richard Henderson | Manager Information Services at Waipa District Council |
6 | | University of Canterbury | Christchurch | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | Roshanna Masilamani | Law and Political Science Student |
7 | | Primary 640 Cumberland Street | Dunedin | NZ | | Political Organization | N/A | Rocio Cepero | Administrator and Marketing Coordinator en Life Matters Suicide Prevention Trust |