1 | | 4 Szent Imre u. | Tolcsva | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | 19 Szent Borbála út | Tatabánya | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
3 | | 2 Kálvin tér | Pécel | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
4 | | 189 Bécsi út | Budapest | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
5 | | 11 Várfok u. | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Dorottya Márkus | Gallery Intern at Várfok Galéria |
6 | | 8 Nagymező u. | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | István Virágvölgyi | curator, photo editor, secretary of the Capa Grand Prize Hungary |
7 | | 37 Zsolnay Vilmos u. | Pécs | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Tímea Schóber | Financial coordinator at Zsolnay Örökségkezelő Nonprofit Kft. |
8 | | 2 Petőfi út | Bucsuta | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
9 | | Szent István tér 24. | Budapest | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | Edevangelo Rodrigues | 0728 na ubre.hu |
10 | | Állatkerti krt. 6-12 | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Magyar Anikó | Marketing Manager at Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden |
11 | | Szövő utca 8 | Érd | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
12 | | Primary Várkerület 1. | Sárvár | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
13 | | Primary Rákóczi út 18-20. I.em. | Nyíregyháza | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | Ádám Czagány | Debug & Finances Professional |
14 | | Primary Mester | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
15 | | Primary Dózsa György út 41 | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | N/A | N/A |
16 | | Primary Rákóczi út 42. | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Geza Mihalek | Owner of Siriol Hungary Kft. |
17 | | Primary Millenáris, Kis Rókus str. 16-20. | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Kovács Dorottya | Marketing Coordinator at Invisible Exhibition |
18 | | Primary Vasmű út 12. | Dunaújváros | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | János Bátori | DQAB.Docler at Institute of Contemporary Art – Dunaújváros |
19 | | Primary Eötvös utca 7 | Budapest | HU | | Museums and Institutions | N/A | Mária Palasik | PhD, dr. habil. at Historical Archives of the Hungarian State Security |
20 | | Primary Gizella út 37. | Budapest | HU | | Religious Institutions | N/A | Szabolcs Illyés | historian-anthropologist |