1 | | Ikva utca 1. | Szekesfehervar | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Gergely Csohány | Owner and Founder at Hancosy Engineering Solutions |
2 | | Primary Présház utca 5. | Budakeszi | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Máté Hannos | Warehouse manager at HÓD Industrial Solutions Kft. |
3 | | Primary Lakihegy HRSZ: 12159 | Szigetszentmiklos | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Rita Elen | Dir. Assistant at UBW Zrt |
4 | | Primary Szendrey str. | Kiskőrös | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Alajos Szentgyörgyi | Mechanical Engineer at Ungvári Works Kft |
5 | | Primary Kálvária av. 4-6 | Szeged | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Botond Bozsogi | Manager at Havancsák Ltd. |
6 | | Primary Balassagyarmat, Szügyi Street 63. 2660 Budapest, XV. District Pestújhelyi Street 52. 1158 | Balassagyarmat | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | N/A | N/A |
7 | | Primary Búzavirág út | Tatabánya | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Molnár Zsuzsanna | Manager at Vértes Industry Product Kft. |
8 | | Primary Laky Adolf utca 41-49 | Budapest | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | György Faludi-Cseh | Executive Director of Operations (EDO) at Főkefe Nonprofit Kft. |
9 | | Primary Kotlán Sándor utca 3 | Gödöllő | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Zsombor Vladár | Sales and Business development at Fertechnik Kft. |
10 | | Primary Bécsi út 269 | Budapest | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Alex Hörömpöli | Structural Engineer at Vegyterv Zrt. |
11 | | Primary Kossuth Lajos út 56. | Parád | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Zoltan Kobolak | Electrical and Mechanical Engineer |
12 | | Primary Szoboszlói köz 3 | Ebes | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Lajos Papp | QA/QC inspector and site inspection manager |
13 | | Primary Domoszloi Ut 1 | Markaz | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | | Primary Lövéte utca | Maglód | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | József Baráth | Owner and CEO Reynolds Kft |
15 | | Primary | Bábonymegyer | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Viktor Lenner | Finance Manager at Böttcher Hungária Zrt. |
16 | | Primary Gátőr utca 59 | Szolnok | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Gerd Zeller | Inhaber Zeller Presscontrol Systems bei Zeller Presscontrol Systems |
17 | | Primary Kossuth Lajos u. 120. II/15 | Jászberény | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | szilveszter palla | Executive Director |
18 | | Primary Ipari park 5. | Balassagyarmat | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Judit Dudás-Grényi | sales representative at DELTA - TECH Engineering Office Ltd. |
19 | | Debrecen, Hajdú-Bihar 4025, HU | Debrecen | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | N/A | N/A |
20 | | Primary Szőlő 22. | Budapest | HU | | Mechanical or Industrial Engineering | N/A | Timea Thomazy | Doctorate candidate at the Multilingualism Doctoral School (MDS), University of Pannonia |