1 | | Primary Miniparc Polytec Immeuble Tramontane 60 rue des Berges | Grenoble | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | eric colinet | r and d and innovation director, co-founder |
2 | | Primary 1 rue Marc Seguin BP1600 ALIXAN | VALENCE | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Dominique CONDAMIN | Directeur général chez ADEO MICROSCOPY |
3 | | Primary Centralp, Bat C 196C rue due Rocher de Lorzier | Moirans | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
4 | | Primary 42 rue de Varenne | Paris | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Ni WEI | Business Developer chez NanoThinking |
5 | | 14 Rue des Glairaux | Saint-Égrève | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Renaud de Langlade | Microelectronic packaging, metal matrix composite materials and components |
6 | | Primary 1 rue de Clairefontaine | Rambouillet | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Jean-François Perrin | Chairman and CEO - Nanomakers, nano particles designer & producer |
7 | | Primary 213 rue Pierre Marti | Etupes | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Anthony Broglé | Responsable développement commercial chez NanoProtection, Liquid Gard |
8 | | Primary 382, Rue Louis Rustin | Archamps | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Elise Usureau | N/A |
9 | | Primary 442, Rue Georges Besse | Nîmes | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Elodie Czuba, PhD | R&D Project Manager chez DIVINCELL |
10 | | Primary ZI Rousset 190 Avenue Celestin COQ | ROUSSET | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Harald Hauf | Business developer, physicist, 20+ years industrial experience in EU, Asia and US |
11 | | Primary 83 Avenue Philippe-Auguste | Paris | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Anatole HELIOT | Business & Research Developer |
12 | | Primary Batiment des Hautes Technologies | Saint Etienne | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
13 | | Primary 4 Allée de la Hardt | Schlierbach | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Francisco RUIZ | We are hiring | Managing Director at Keey Aerogel |
14 | | Primary 29 rue Félix Esclangon | Grenoble | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Ideas Laboratory® | Un Open Lab unique parmi l’écosystème français |
15 | | Primary 461 rue de la papeterie | Saint - Martin- d'Heres | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
16 | | Primary 17 avenue des Martyrs | Grenoble | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
17 | | Primary 10 rue de Penthièvre | Paris | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | Thomas Escoda | Directeur Commercial chez OVERAIN |
18 | | Primary 15 place Pey Berland | Bordeaux | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
19 | | 1 Allée d'Effiat | Longjumeau | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |
20 | | Primary 9 rue de la girafe | Caen | FR | | Nanotechnology | N/A | N/A | N/A |