1 | | Primary 46, Avenue des Bénédictins | Limoges | FR | | Dental Cad Software | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | Primary 1 rue des frères Lumière | Rueil-Malmaison | FR | | Packaging Cad and Plm Software | N/A | Alain Nobre | Founder & CEO (treeDiM, Packaging CAD/ PLM) |
3 | | Primary 46, Rue René Clair | Paris | FR | | Cad & Bim Objects Creation | N/A | Alain Ilhe | Cofondateur et President de WeRaiseStartup / Sibessor 2 / CBAI / WeLikeStartup / Président d'honneur de Investessor |
4 | | 32, rue Antoine de St Exupéry ZAC de Frocourt | Fléville-devant-Nancy | FR | | Electrical and P&Id Cad Software | N/A | Guillaume Joly | Responsable technico-commercial - technical sales engineer - FTZ (Software editor CAD/CAO Electrical & P&ID) |