1 | | Primary Leonidas Street, Walu Bay | Suva | FJ | | Food Production | N/A | Amitesh Prasad | IT Professional |
2 | | Primary 30 Karsanji Street, Vatuwaqa | Suva City | FJ | | Food Production | N/A | Adrián Anthony | Manager ICT at Goodman Fielder International (Fiji) Pte Limited |
3 | | Primary 88 Jerusalem Road | Suva | FJ | | Food & Beverages | N/A | Marica Kutani | Accounts Officer at Vodco Pacific Limited |
4 | | Primary 45 Kings Road Main Street, P. O. Box 74 | N/A | FJ | | Food Production | N/A | Ramitesh Prasad CA CPA-ASA | Group Financial Controller |
5 | | Primary 45 Kings Road Main Street, P. O. Box 74 | N/A | FJ | | Food Production | N/A | Ramitesh Prasad CA CPA-ASA | Group Financial Controller |
6 | | Primary Lot 2, Kabani Rd | Nadi | FJ | | Food & Beverages | N/A | Kyle Neumann | Deliveries and sales at Island Brewing Company |
7 | | LOT 2 LEONIDAS ST | WALU BAY | FJ | | Food Production | N/A | Ronit Chand | Bachelor of Commerce - BCom at The University of the South Pacific |
8 | | Primary 133 Laucala Bay Road Nathans Hot Dog Shack | Suva | FJ | N/A | Food & Beverages | N/A | N/A | N/A |