1 | | Primary Rybna | Praha | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | Primary Nezamyslova 2 | Prague | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | N/A | N/A |
3 | | Primary Trziste 15 Malá Strana | Prague | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Alex McNiven | Political Counsellor and Deputy Head of Mission, Canadian Embassy Prague |
4 | | Primary Jankovcova 2 | Praha 7 | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Maja Urbanova | Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic |
5 | | Primary Freyova 948/11 | Praha 9 - Vysočany | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Olga Rozsívalová | N/A |
6 | | Primary Muchová 223/9 | Praha 6 | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Vero Skerianz | Adscripto al Servicio Exterior de la Nacion en Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto de la República Argentina- Cancillería |
7 | | Primary Ke smichovu 51 | Prague | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Ulpiana Lama | Deputy Chief of Mission at the Embassy of the Republic of Kosovo in Bangkok, Thailand |
8 | | Smetanova | Skuteč | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Mehmet Kürkçü | BORU HATTI KALİTE KONTROL / BOTAŞ AŞ. |
9 | | Ringhofferovo náměstí 434 | Kamenice | CZ | | Government Relations | N/A | Pavel Čermák | Mayor of KAMENICE (Prague East District) |