1 | | Primary Скрыганова, 6а, 4-й этаж, оф.11 | Минск | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | Primary Myasnikova 70 | Minsk | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Parvina Rakhimova | Manager of International Partnership Development of StartupStan |
3 | | Primary Beruta str., 3B "Pushkinskiy" Business Center | Minsk | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Алексей Власов | Системный администратор Linux – GeliosSoft |
4 | | Primary Krasnoarmeyskaya ulitsa 24 | Minsk | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Evgeniy Martinovich | Manager of Direct and Corporate Sales Division at life:) Belarus (CJSC Belarussian Telecommunication Network) |
5 | | Primary Гвардейская, 12 86 | Минск | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Bicas Amen KODJA | IT Networks and Systems Administrator |
6 | | Primary пр-т Победителей, 19а, оф. 42 | Минск | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Зоя Пигаль | Организатор международных конференций по контакт-центрам – ООО "Мастертелеком" |
7 | | Primary улица Сурганова 24 | Минск | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Старикова Людмила | Директор по маркетингу и связям с общественностью – ОАО "ГИПРОСВЯЗЬ" |
8 | | Primary Mogilevskaya str., 5, office 401-402 | Minsk | BY | | Telecommunications | N/A | Murat Podgoretskiy | entrepreneur |
9 | | Primary ул. Интернациональная д. 36/2 | Минск | BY | N/A | Telecommunications | N/A | Dmitry Nikolaychik | ICT professional in DataCenter & Cloud certified infrastructure. IaaS, BaaS, Colocation: PCI DSS, ISO 27001 |
10 | | Primary | Minsk | BY | N/A | Telecommunications | N/A | N/A | N/A |