1 | | Primary Surganova st., 6 | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Eduard Snezhko | Leading Researcher at United Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
2 | | Minsk, BY | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Podbolotov Kirill | Leading Researcher – Physical Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
3 | | Primary «Industrial park «Great Stone» | The China-Belarus industrial park | BY | | Research | N/A | N/A | N/A |
4 | | Primary пр. Независимости, 68 | Минск | BY | | Research | N/A | Andrei Ramanenka | junior research worker - B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus |
5 | | Primary «Industrial park «Great Stone» | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | N/A | N/A |
6 | | Primary Интернациональная 25А | Минск | BY | | Market Research | N/A | Philipp Bikanau | Research Project Manager – SATIO |
7 | | Primary Kuprevicha str 5/2 | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Andrew Zhiv | Biochemist at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, NASB |
8 | | Primary 6 Zybitskaya Str., Suite 53 | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Andrey Kozik | Secretary-General of BILA (International Law & Arbitration Association) |
9 | | Primary ул.Первомайская д.26, к.2 | Минск | BY | | Research | N/A | Егор Гарбуз | Техник-программист – РУП "НИИ Технической защиты информации" |
10 | | Primary Nezalezhnasci avenue, 66 apt. 101, 101а, 103, 112, 116, 406, 407, 408 | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Ксения Полякова | специалист отдела зарубежных связей и информационного обеспечения |
11 | | Primary 224005, г. Брест, ул. Советская, 46, к. 202 | Брест | BY | | Research | N/A | Oksana Savina | заместитель директора – ООО "НПП Кортос" |
12 | | Primary Партизанский проспект 6а. Офис 1013 | Минск | BY | | Market Research | N/A | Юлия Бородина | Маркетолог, Sprint-View |
13 | | Primary ул. Строителей 1-33 | Слуцк | BY | | Research | N/A | N/A | N/A |
14 | | Primary Suvorova 28 office 205 | Vitebsk | BY | | Research | N/A | Sergey Kirpichenok | EDC systems expert (clinical trials). Took part in developing process of different systems such as REDCap & ClinCapture |
15 | | Minsk, BY | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | N/A | N/A |
16 | | Primary Olshevskogo street, 20 32 | Minsk | BY | | Research | N/A | pavel trojan | Chief Executive Officer |