1 | | Primary Bruno-Kreisky-Platz 1 | Wien | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | N/A | N/A |
2 | | Primary Lothringerstrasse 16 | Vienna | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Giuliana Caponigro | Public Utilities Senior Expert presso Utiliteam |
3 | | Primary Johannesgasse 2/2/32 | WIEN | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Lars Mulà | Leadership trainer by profession, entrepreneur at heart and adventurer in soul. |
4 | | Primary Kronengasse | Schruns | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | N/A | N/A |
5 | | Primary Mariahilfer Straße 37 | Wien | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Michael Fellner | Advisor | Association Industry 4.0 Austria |
6 | | Primary Zieglergasse 38/7 | Wien | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Michael Stellini | Director at Financial Transparency Advisors GmbH |
7 | | Primary Hintere Zollamtsstr. 4 | Vienna | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Ralf Resch | Geschäftsführer Vitako e.V. |
8 | | Primary Schlachthausgasse 30 | Wien | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Sylvia Lutz | Deputy Head of Project Funding at Österreichischer Integrationsfonds |
9 | | Syrnauer Str. 22-25 | Zwettl | AT | | Government Relations | N/A | Willibald Schindler | Controller bei Privatbrauerei Zwettl |
10 | | 5Schwarzenbergplatz | Vienna | AT | N/A | Government Relations | N/A | N/A | N/A |