1 | | Bieslook 63 | Oisterwijk | NL | | Computer Store, Computer Repair Service | +31 135220156 | | Bas Van Gils |
2 | | Science Park 408 | Amsterdam | NL | | Software Company | +31 621818447 | | Ying Zhang |
3 | | Van Houten Industriepark 11 | Weesp | NL | | Computer Service | +31 294491033 | | Carlo Maes |
4 | | De Ring 34 | Vught | NL | | Computer Repair Service, Computer Accessories Store, Computer Desk Store, Computer Security Service, Computer Service, Computer Store, Computer Support and Services | +31 738500538 | | Nick Ringelberg |
5 | | Rietveldenweg 40 | 's-Hertogenbosch | NL | | Software Company, Engineering Consultant | +31 737113711 | | Bart De Boer |
6 | | Paterserf 3 | Oosterhout | NL | | Computer Service, Computer Consultant, Software Company | +31 880028400 | | Roland Van Hierden |
7 | | Flevolaan 4 | Weesp | NL | | Wholesaler | +31 880074800 | | Carlo Maes |
8 | | Het Herberchsfintsje 12 | Tietjerk | NL | | Computer Consultant | +31 626671059 | | Symon Terpstra |
9 | | Griendtsveenweg 27 | Hoogeveen | NL | | Software Company | +31 204939000 | | Camiel Blok |
10 | | Amperestraat 6b | Hillegom | NL | | Computer Support and Services | +31 252240190 | | Ramon Gal |
11 | | Stadionweg 139 | Amsterdam | NL | | Computer Repair Service, Computer Service, Repair Service | +31 202103355 | | Sander Maatman |
12 | | De Deel 12 | Klijndijk | NL | | Computer Store | +31 591850160 | | Mark Kuipers |
13 | | Rotterdamseweg 183C | Delft | NL | | Software Company | +31 152682602 | | René Geernaert |
14 | | Admiraal Banckertweg 30 | Leiden | NL | | Electronics | +31 715686777 | | Pascal Schouten |
15 | | Waterhoen 14 | Oud-Beijerland | NL | | Computer Store, Computer Repair Service, Website Designer | +31 186694998 | | Richard De |
16 | | Fokkerstraat 22a | Veenendaal | NL | | Corporate Office, Computer Hardware Manufacturer, Computer Support and Services | +31 8559370 | | Paul De Haas |
17 | | Kagerdreef 42 | Sassenheim | NL | | Computer Consultant, Computer Support and Services | +31 629144065 | | Bernard Zohlandt |
18 | | Stationsplein 45, d1.118 | Rotterdam | NL | | Electronics Manufacturer | +31 103073955 | | Anne Van Rossum |
19 | | Netwerkweg 35 | Amsterdam | NL | | Wholesaler, Iron Ware Dealer, Tool Store, Work Clothes Store | +31 207233632 | | Rob Wiersma |
20 | | Savannahweg 25 | Utrecht | NL | | Company | +31 306585127 | | Eke Pijl |