1 | | Van Houten Industriepark 11 | Weesp | NL | | Computer Service | +31 294491033 | | Carlo Maes |
2 | | Drukkerij 12 | Steenbergen | NL | | Computer Consultant | +31 880074800 | | Gerard Blonk |
3 | | Burgemeester Roelenweg 12 | Zwolle | NL | | Real Estate Appraiser, Appraiser | +31 388700186 | | Folkert Olthof |
4 | | Moutlaan 20 | Enschede | NL | | Consultant | +31 534611083 | | Anke Van Der Vegt |
5 | | Hogeweg 9 | Wijhe | NL | | Security Service | +31 572363810 | | Martijn De Jongh |
6 | | Flevolaan 4 | Weesp | NL | | Wholesaler | +31 880074800 | | Carlo Maes |
7 | | Glaslaan 2 | Eindhoven | NL | | N/A | +31 402372295 | | Marjolein Gerritsen |
8 | | Bredewater 16 | Zoetermeer | NL | | Computer Consultant | +31 793430909 | | Frans Buters |
9 | | Moeskampweg 1 | 's-Hertogenbosch | NL | | Telecommunications Equipment Supplier, Telecommunications Service Provider, Telephone Exchange | +31 884260100 | | Harry Berg |
10 | | Bedrijfsweg 15 | Oisterwijk | NL | | Property Management Company | +31 135182288 | | Ronald Meeuwisse |
11 | | Industrieweg 5 | Vlissingen | NL | | Contractor | +31 118417873 | | Roberto Moeslan |
12 | | Marconiweg 5 | Nunspeet | NL | | Moving Company, Moving and Storage Service | +31 341278078 | | Gerald Polinder |
13 | | Gageldijk 4F | Utrecht | NL | | Landscape Architect, Landscaper, Tree Service | +31 302644333 | | Gert Kuipers |
14 | | Burgemeester de Raadtsingel 93C | Dordrecht | NL | | Engineering Consultant | +31 786510300 | | Jerry Jordaan |
15 | | Lage Biezenweg 3 | Vianen | NL | | Computer Consultant, Software Company | +31 306580158 | | Frank Van Houten |
16 | | Grotestraat 24 | Goor | NL | | Accountant | +31 547284130 | | Corinne De Ling |
17 | | Westbroek 51 | Breda | NL | | Software Company | +31 767200200 | | Sindujah Jeyabalan |
18 | | Marten Meesweg 25-G | Rotterdam | NL | | Software Company | +31 104585532 | | Rudolphine Van Holthe |
19 | | Maanlander 39 | Amersfoort | NL | | Computer Support and Services, Computer Networking Service, Computer Security Service, Computer Service | +31 334616464 | | Marco Doornkamp |
20 | | Scheepmakersstraat 53 | Zwijndrecht | NL | | Software Company, Data Entry Service, Information Services, Records Storage Facility, Technical Service | +31 786290629 | | Tom Van Koeveringe |