1 | | Cerro El Plomo, Región Metropolitana | Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company | +56 222293130 | | Pedro Garate |
2 | | Curicó 644 | Santiago | CL | | Home and Construction | +56 226337296 | | Rolando Nacrur |
3 | | Curicó 644 | Santiago | CL | | Home and Construction | +56 226337296 | | Rolando Nacrur |
4 | | Av. Américo Vespucio Sur 80, Of 32 | Las Condes, Santiago | CL | | Construction Company | +56 222413000 | | Angelo Galvan |
5 | | Arrayán 2750, Oficina 602 | Providencia | CL | | Construction Company | +56 222363280 | | Diego Perez |
6 | | Pdte Riesco 5435, Región Metropolitana | Santiago, Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company | +56 224986000 | | Guillermo Gcisternas |
7 | | Ebro 2705, Región Metropolitana | Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company | +56 223380800 | | Alexis Huerta |
8 | | Av. Ricardo Lyon 1531, Región Metropolitana | Providencia | CL | | Construction Company | +56 222234391 | | Felipe Meyer |
9 | | Antofagasta N 3188, Región Metropolitana | Santiago | CL | | N/A | +56 223344595 | N/A | Diana Godoy |
10 | | Av. Américo Vespucio Sur 700, Región Metropolitana | Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company | +56 223466500 | N/A | Rodrigo Venegas |
11 | | Cerro El Plomo 5680, Piso 14, Región Metropolitana | Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company, Real Estate Developer | +56 226743800 | N/A | N/A |
12 | | Las Acacias 290 | Penablanca, Villa Alemana | CL | | Condominium Complex | +56 985967641 | N/A | N/A |
13 | | Armando Moock 3777 | Macul | CL | | Apartment Building | +56 222937470 | N/A | N/A |
14 | | Río Puelche N 3560 | Puente Alto | CL | | N/A | +56 223466500 | N/A | N/A |
15 | | Panamericana Norte Km 16 ½, Los Libertadores 52 | Colina | CL | | Construction Company | +56 227727240 | N/A | N/A |
16 | | Argos 8704 | Santiago, Pudahuel | CL | | N/A | +56 227473128 | N/A | N/A |
17 | | Fundo El Castillo Lote 7 manzana S, Los Lagos | Osorno | CL | | Construction Company | +56 642334100 | N/A | N/A |
18 | | Av. Apoquindo 4501,1104, 1601, 1602, Región Metropolitana | Las Condes | CL | | Construction Company | +56 224304100 | N/A | N/A |
19 | | Málaga 50, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile, Piso 8 | Santiago | CL | | Construction Company, Home and Construction | +56 222428585 | N/A | N/A |
20 | | El Canelo 2715, Región Metropolitana | Providencia | CL | | Building Materials Store | +56 223466500 | N/A | N/A |